I’ve noticed that people who want to write a story but are new to the arena, don’t understand what ‘s involved in writing a good story.
I’ve seen lots of drafts that are cute, but they have no story arc. They’re simply a series of related events or incidents.
Another thing, is that sometimes, along with these story ideas that don’t have a story arc, a lot of new authors don’t want to make their characters real, especially the protagonist.
A story and its characters should be like a roller coaster, not a carousel.
First, let’s touch on what makes a full story arc.
The very first thing is your protagonist needs a big problem. It needs to be something he needs to overcome.
Here are a couple of examples of a problem that needs to be overcome:
- Maybe Rafael is being bullied at school.
- Maybe Sophia just got a new bike and was told not to leave it alone anywhere. She left it unattended at the park and it was stolen.
- Maybe Rick is the kid no one chooses for their team, and he’s getting very upset about it.
- Maybe Lisa moved to a new neighborhood and had to start a new school. She’s anxious about all the changes.
After the problem has been established, the main character (MC) must try to figure out how to overcome it.
But as life isn’t smooth, the MC can’t overcome the problem in one attempt.
The protagonist needs to struggle to reach the goal. He needs to try a couple of things, fail, and become deflated before he finally comes up with a plan that leads to success.
Along with the MC succeeding, there must be some growth.
- Maybe he learns he’s not the person he thought he was, like the protagonist, Wang, in my chapter book “Walking Through Walls.”
- Maybe she learns compassion.
- Maybe he learns that winning isn’t everything.
- Maybe she learns how to make friends.
The story arc and character arc both have a beginning, middle, and end. In children’s writing, the story arc, in a way, relies on the character arc. They go hand-in-hand.
When thinking of a story arc, think of a triangle.

- The exposition: The introduction is at the bottom of the left side. The MC and setting is introduced.
- The trigger: The problem appears. It may be internal or external, but it needs to be addressed.
- The quest: The MC struggles to overcome the problem. The action is rising, and so is the conflict. On her quest to find a solution, the MC encounters obstacles that must be overcome.
- The climax: The MC makes a critical choice and engages in his final attempt. He’s chosen his path.
- The reversal: The MC plays out his choice. This is the beginning of change in the MC. The action declines as everything unfolds.
- The resolution: The MC has reached the end of the road. It’s now the reward or consequence time. But whichever it is, the MC needs to have grown in some way as a result of the journey. When writing for young children, the journey needs to end with success.
For #4 above, think of a kid about to steal for the first time. Will his conscience kick in and stop him, or will he go through with it?
So, you can see that a series of related incidences doesn’t lend itself to a full story arc. A story arc needs to hit all the points.
Next up, you’ve got to create believable characters.
I hear it all the time: my clients, who are usually new authors, want a fun, engaging story, but they don’t want their MC to have any bad traits.
In a children’s story, this means the young MC can’t yell. He can’t do anything bad. He doesn’t lie. He doesn’t think bad thoughts.
What kid will be able to relate to a perfect MC.
Your characters need to be realistic and believable. Kids yell, kids can be mean, they can be selfish, they can be liars, and so on. They have good days and bad days.
If your MC isn’t believable, the reader won’t connect with him.
Characters need to have ups and downs, just like the story arc… just like a roller coaster.

I’m a working children’s ghostwriter, editor, and coach. I can help turn your story into a book you’ll be proud to be the author of, one that’s publishable and marketable.
Other help I offer is my guided self-study course and mentoring program, FICTION WRITING FOR CHILDREN.
If your children’s manuscript is finished and you need help self-publishing, you’ll find what you need at WRITERS ON THE MOVE PRESS.
You can contact me at: kcioffiventrice@gmail.com. Or give me a call at 347—834—6700. (Please leave a message- I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.)

Writing a Fiction Story – Walking Through Walls Backstory
Traditional Publishing – 4 Advantages to Consider
How to Write Better Endings for Your Stories
And, let’s connect: